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Unfortunately, the operator has not provided any geo coordinates.

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  • Hotel type
    Hotel type: not specified
  • Organic content
    Organic content: not specified
  • Organic hotel features
    Organic hotel features: not specified
  • Award / Certificate / Partner
    Award / Certificate / Partner: not specified
  • CO2 balance

Description Organic hotel

Unfortunately, the operator of this Organic hotel entry has not provided a description.

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Properties Organic hotel Hotel Orso Grigio

  • Hotel type
  • Price range
  • Additional pricing information
  • Organic content
  • Award / Certificate / Partner
  • More awards
  • Evidence certificates
  • Organic hotel features
  • Description of the organic hotel features

  • CO2 balance
  • Compensatory measures
  • Energy supply: CO2 compensation payment
  • Energy supply: biogas
  • Energy supply: 100% green electricity
  • Energy supply: photovoltaics
  • Energy supply: photovoltaic share
  • Energy supply: solar thermal energy
  • Energy supply: solar thermal share
  • Energy and heating: CHP
  • Energy and heating: CHP share
  • Eco-heating: wood heating
  • Eco heating: heat pump
  • Eco-heating: local heating network
  • Earth cooling
  • Eco-heating: geothermal energy
  • Heat recovery

  • Description of sustainability
  • Waste management
  • Bonus if you forego interim room cleaning
  • Biodegradable cleaning products
  • Insulation measures
  • Recycled paper
  • Regional products
  • Regional products: share
  • Steady CO2 reduction
  • Certified natural cosmetics
  • Energy saving measures
  • Water saving measures
  • Water treatment/energization
  • Bonus if you arrive by public transport
  • Employee support
  • Own sustainability projects

  • Green meetings are offered
  • Number of meeting rooms
  • Size meeting rooms
  • Green Wedding

  • Spa area with at least 2 different saunas
  • Size spa area
  • Description of the SPA area
  • Organic beauty department
  • Health applications
  • Description of health applications
  • Doctor/medical staff in the house?
  • Naturopathic practice
  • Osteopathy
  • homeopathy
  • TCM
  • Dorn/Breuss
  • sports medicine
  • Ayurveda competence
  • Fasting competence
  • FX Mayr treatments
  • Buchinger
  • Brave
  • Diet change
  • Metabolic balance

  • Description of the gastronomy
  • Organic cuisine
  • Bioland partner
  • Catering
  • Organic restaurant (only for hotel guests)
  • Organic drinks
  • Organic cocktails

  • DEHOGA stars
  • Description of hotel and room facilities
  • number of beds
  • Number of Rooms
  • Allergy-free rooms
  • Apartments
  • bathrobe
  • Bathtub
  • balcony
  • Barrier-free room
  • Check in time
  • Check out time
  • Early check-in / late check-out
  • family room
  • Apartments
  • Distant view
  • Hairdryer
  • air conditioner
  • mini-bar
  • safe
  • Sun terrace
  • TV/radio
  • Shielded cabling
  • Mains isolation switch

  • Organic wine (own winery)
  • Organic beer (own brewery)
  • Organic distillery
  • Organic bakery
  • Organic mill
  • Organic pastry shop
  • Organic cheese dairy
  • Organic butchery
  • Organic delicatessen
  • Organic ice cream production
  • Organic canned food
  • Organic vegetables/herbs/spices cultivation/processing
  • Organic fruit cultivation/processing
  • Organic animal breeding
  • Organic fish farming/fishing
  • Organic oil mill
  • Own source/bottling
  • Organic farm shop
  • Organic online shipping

  • also for families with children
  • for adults only
  • barrier-free
  • dogs allowed
  • Non-smoking hotel
  • childcare
  • playground
  • petting zoo
  • Culture & lectures
  • pool
  • Seminars & training
  • Hikes & excursions
  • Gym
  • Wellness
  • Massages
  • sauna
  • yoga
  • Day spa
  • Fast
  • reception
  • Reception opening times (from/to)
  • Key Boy/digital check-in
  • Payment systems
  • Tourist tax
  • Mobile guest card
  • Shuttle (fees may apply)

  • Description of activities
  • Active holidays possible
  • Organic swimming lake
  • Boat rental
  • Bike rental
  • Fitness center
  • Football field
  • golf
  • Indoor swimming pool
  • Climb
  • Nordic walking
  • Ride
  • To swim
  • Sailing
  • Ski lift
  • surfing
  • Dive
  • tennis
  • Table tennis
  • volleyball
  • Hike

  • Description of the environment
  • Environmental focal point
  • Doctor / clinic / hospital
  • Pharmacy
  • Airport
  • public transportation
  • Advantages when traveling by public transport
  • Beach
  • sea ​​level

Location Organic hotel

Route planner
Unfortunately the operator has not provided any geo coordinates.


The operator of this Organic hotel entry has not provided any directions.


  • Street: not specified
  • Postal code: not specified
  • City: not specified
  • Federal State: not specified
  • country: not specified
  • not specified
  • not specified
  • Latitude : not specified
  • Longitude : not specified

Route planner

Photos Organic hotel Hotel Orso Grigio

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Organic hotel reviews 0

Unfortunately, no rating has yet been submitted for this Organic hotel entry.

Attention, this Organic hotel entry does not have an email address stored for inquiries


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